Friday, December 9, 2016


Here is a practice test for Chapter 8 & 9. This is a test that I have given previously for the material and that you can use for the review for the final exam.

Practice Test Chapter 8 & 9

Remember there will be differences between this and the final exam. The final is multiple choice and not short answer.


Thursday, December 8, 2016

Fall Final Study Guide

Here is the link to the final exam study guide. Please know that there are subtle differences between your study guides and the honors chemistry study guides.

Fall Final Regular Study Guide


Notebook Check #2

Here is the tentative list of assignments that will be graded in the final notebook check of the semester.

1. Isotopia Lab
2. Isotopia Wksht
3. Old gold Wksht
4. Dialectical Journal (radiation articles)
5. Cell Radiation Questions
6. Spectral Lines Booklet
7. Electron Configuration & PT
8. Getting Connected 1/2 Sheet
9. Water Testing Lab
10. Conductivity Lab
11. B.6 Supplement: Ions and Ionic Compounds
12. Charged Clusters Booklet

There is the additional Notebook Check grade that is worth 15pts and consists of the reflections, table of contents, and the index grading.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Friday, November 18, 2016

Unit 3 Practice Test Answer Key

Here is the pdf of the answers to the practice test. Make sure that you understand why the answers are correct as the questions may be asked differently (ex the answer could become the question, etc)

Any questions you can email me directly! Study.....

Answer Key


Monday, November 14, 2016

Unit 3 Study Guide

Here is the study guide for the upcoming Unit 3 Test. The Study guide will frame the content that will make up the Unit 3 Test. The test will be on Monday and Tuesday November 21/22.

Unit 3 Test 

The practice test will be available tomorrow and will be added to this post in the morning.

I am sorry for the testing on a Monday, but with the holiday I am really stuck with no other good options.


UPDATE: Please omit the periodic trends information (electronegativity, ionization energy, atomic and ionic radius, how the trends change, the highest and lowest values of electronegativity). That content we did not cover and will thus not be on the test.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Answer Key

Here is the link to the answer key for the practice test. Make sure you are ready for the test Friday.

Unit 2 Practice Test Key


Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Unit 2 Test

The study guide for Unit 2 can be found below:

The test date is tentatively set for Thursday 10/20. There will be a practice test handed out in class Thursday and an in class review session as well. Good Luck! 


Friday, September 23, 2016

Radioactive Decay Research Project

Below you will find the link to the radioactive decay research project. The project will culminate in a presentation to the class and will be graded based on the rubric included in the instructions. The project is worth 40pts and can be completed alone or in groups up to three people. The members must be in the same class for presentation purposes.

Radioactive Decay Research Project


Thursday, September 15, 2016

Notebook Checklist

The Notebooks will be collected Wednesday Sept 21st. The following list are the items I will be checking and grading critically. This comes to a total of 80pts for all items - make sure you have it all!

General Items:
- Table of Contents (4)
- Index (4)
- Pages #ed (2)
- Objectives (2)
- Titles for entries (3)

Specific Assignments:
- Death of Ms. Oddson (10)
- Accuracy & Precision (10)
- Flinking Lab (15)
- Density Lab (15)
- Iron, Salt & Sand Lab (15)

               *journal entry #1 will also be graded if it has not already been done.


Thursday, September 15th

1. Notes: Intro to Atoms
2. Atoms by Numbers 1/2 Sheet
3. Work on Timeline if needed
4. Go Over list for Notebook Check

Timeline project due Friday by midnight
Notebooks to be turned in Tuesday
1/2 Sheet to be checked Monday

Iron, Salt and Sand Lab

The Iron Salt and Sand Lab should contain the following in your notebooks. The objective of the lab activity (copied from the ppt), the procedure that was approved by me, the materials, your data (could be collected in any form), and the analysis and conclusion questions. The link below will provide a copy of the lab worksheet with sample procedure as well as analysis and conclusion questions that should be answered at the end of the lab.

Iron, Salt, & Sand Lab


Thursday, September 8, 2016

Atomic Theory Timeline Project

Below you will find the link to the Atomic Theory Project. The projects can be completed individually or with a partner within the same class period. The due date is September 16th and the project will be introduced tomorrow in class.

Atomic Theory Timeline Project 

*Rubric to come later


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Friday, September 2, 2016

Parent Information Night

Thank you to all the parents that attended Back to School Night. Below you can find some of the information that I shared during my presentation.

Amazon Teacher Wish List  - This list contains materials that are needed for the labs throughout the year that are not supplied by the school. As a result they are materials that typically are purchased and provided by me or by the parents. Any donations to the list would be greatly appreciated so that I am able to increase the number of hands on activities for the students.

Parent Remind Account Information - This account has been created to keep parents in the loop with what is going on within the classroom. You can sign up for email or text message alerts that will provide parents with upcoming due dates, project information, and current assignments.

Thank you all again, and if there are ever any concerns please feel free to email me directly.

Mrs. Oddson

Friday, August 26, 2016

Thursday August 25th

1. Lab Equipment Quiz
2. Go over Accuracy and Precision Lab
3. Scientific Method
4. Flinking Lab

Below you will find the link to the presentation that was shown for the flinking lab including the requirements and the analysis. If you are looking for the accuracy and precision lab information reference the previous post.

Scientific Method/Flinking 

Have a good weekend!


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Tuesday August 9th

1. Metrics & Scientific Notation Notes
2. Metric Conversion Worksheet
3. Accuracy & Precision Notes
4. Accuracy & Precision Activity
   ** We did not get to the lab analysis, just data collection & the calculation of accuracy & precision.

Homework: Finish the Metric Conversion Worksheet and calculations from the lab if needed. Study for the Lab equipment quiz Thursday.

Accuracy Questions

Monday August 22nd

1. Check the crossword
2. Notebook Setup
3. Journal Entry #1

Homework: Complete Journal Entry #1

The journal Entry questions are as follows:
  1. Tell me three interesting things that I should know about you (as a person).
  2.  What has been your experience in science (like it/hate it).
  3.  List 2 strategies that teachers have used in the past that helped you be successful.
                                 **Make sure you are thorough in your answers. 

Thursday August 18th

1. Death of Mrs. Oddson
2. Lab Equipment 
3. Crossword (will be checked Monday)
4. Safety Contracts passed out 

Homework: Finish Crossword, Sign Safety Contracts 

Wednesday - First Day of School

1. Pick seats
2. Green Sheets
3. This or That - Icebreaker

Homework: Syllabus Signed Page (turn in the sheet to me)

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Remind Instructions

Here is the pdf of the instructions for signing up for
Please sign up for whatever method best suits your needs - email or text.

Remind pdf



Thursday, August 11, 2016

Welcome Back!

Here is a link to our course syllabus. Throughout the year you may find yourself unsure of where you placed your original copy so below is a link to what you are accountable for this class.

Chemistry 1-2 Green Sheet

Good Luck!
